In fact, whole schemes have been created to utilize the mechanics, such as Rope Racing. This has gone on to a point where there's a separate beginners' channel for games that don't allow access to the Ninja Rope. In Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party, a lot of players on WormNET play with Ninja Ropes (called "Pro Ropers", if they've mastered the Ninja Rope). The Ninja Rope has become a highly popular weapon in the Worms series. The player can drop bombs, launch some weapons and use utilities while using the Ninja Rope. Earthquake - causes the entire map to shake violently for a few seconds, randomly moving all worms, crates, mines, etc.The Ninja Rope is a utility for reaching places very far and arguably faster than any utility for moving.Super Bunker Buster - same as a bunker buster, but upon exploding, also creates multiple horizontal explosions in both directions.Bunker Buster - a single explosive bomb drops from the sky and burrows through any solid material up to a medium distance before exploding, though it will also explode upon contact with any worm.Poison Strike - 5 missiles that Poison all worms that it hits.Napalm Strike - 5 missiles from the sky airburst and drop fire across designated area not available on cave maps.Airstrike - 5 missiles from the sky explode across designated area not available on cave maps.Dynamite - a dropped explosive with timed detonation that deals up to 75 damage.Mine - a dropped explosive with proximity detonation.Homing Missile - an explosive projectile that seekings any target marked.Holy Hand Grenade - a dropped explosive with timed detonation that deals up to 100 damage.Super Sheep - same as a sheep, but instead of exploding, it takes flight to be manually flown into a target.

Sheep - a walking, leaping remote-detonated explosive that deals up to 75 damage.Electromagnet - drop a stationary magnet that can be toggled to ei the r repel or attract all projectiles that move within its large range of effect.Sentry Gun - a stationary turret that automatically fires on any enemy worms that move within its range.Baseball Bat - launches any forward-adjacent enemy a long distance with trajectory as aimed by the batter.Prod - pushes any forward-adjacent enemy ahead slightly.Dragonball - a forward-directional punch.Fire Punch - an uppercut punch that deals 30 damage and knocks back any forward-adjacent enemy.Pneumatic Drill - the worm drills a long distance straight down through any solid material.Girder - a tool that creates a short span of solid material within a large radius of the worm that uses it.Blow Torch - a tool that allows a worm to burrow a tunnel through solid materials.Jetpack - a movement tool that allows worms to fly through the air as long as fuel lasts.Ninja Rope - a movement tool that allows worms to attach to and swing from any surface.Petrol Bomb - an explosive projectile that detonates on impact and spreads a small amount of fire.Banana Bomb - same as cluster bomb, but does much more damage.Cluster Bomb - a bouncing explosive projectile with a timed detonation that bursts into smaller explosives.Grenade - a bouncing explosive projectile with a timed detonation (50 damage).Bazooka - an explosive projectile that detonates on impact (50 damage).

Or enchanted versions of the game modes or your own gamemodes you create.Īlso you can play Rope Race ( not in Rated ) Weapons and Items* You can play all listed game modes in Custom game with 2-4 players.
Pro = Harder gameplay for better players (low on rope and no jetback and so on)Ĭrazy Crates = Usual deathmatch like always but 5 crates drop every turn witch can be deadlyīazookas and Grenades = Deathmatch, players only have 2 weapons like the title says Standard = The easyest one that means you got loads of rope and jetpack to start with

The multiplayer has plenty of game modes.
With the gold you earn you can also buy hats and weapons and o ther stuff.Īnd there were Team fortress 2 update witch gave 50% off the price and added Worms Reloaded also have Singleplayer with ´´story´´ That has 1-30 Levels and 30-35 as Bonus levels that are buyable with your Gold that you earn in finishing levels. Exclusive hat to Team Fortress 2 called ´´Lumbricus Lids´´ witch contains Helmet and Holy hand Grenades (sticked toge ther as one item) To people that bought ´´Worms Reloaded´´before September 2, 2010. There will be Pre-order bonuses, these will be:."should run well on a wide range of PC's from Netbooks through to powerful desktops.".